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What is COVID-19 and its Precautions

How is the virus transmitted?It’s likely that the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) originated in an animal species, and then spread to humans.Person to person spread of the novel corona virus is reported, but it is not yet understood how easily this happens.Other human coronavirus strains are spread from person to person through contaminated droplets from a person who is sick with the illness (through coughing or sneezing) or contaminated hands.Is there a vaccine against the novel coronvirus?Currently there are no available vaccine that protect against Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)Is there any treatment for Coronavirus Disease?There is no specific treatment. It is mainly supportive treatment that aims at reducing symptoms. PRECAUTIONSWays to prevent the diseaseYou should doStay at homeWear maskAlways use tissuesDisinfect your homeWash your handsFrequent self-isolationFrequent waterintakeYou should avoidSocial distanceAvoid animalsDon't touch your faceAvoid handshakingAvoid infected surfacesAvoid dropletsDon’t travel